This week my amazing wife demonstrated the insane power of the female body for the fourth time and gave birth, at home in a birthing pool, to our beautiful baby girl Etta Penelope.

Now I must admit that when Nia first suggested a home birth (when she was pregnant with Osian) I was petrified. “Why would we when the hospital is all set-up? Isn’t it more dangerous? What happens if there’s a problem?” plus numerous other questions passed my lips.
When we looked at the research and evidence on home births, following at least one previous ‘straightforward’ birth, I was pleasantly surprised. Add to this the fact that our local hospital only has a midwife led ward and if mother’s or baby’s require help they are blue-lighted to the larger hospital some 20-30 minutes away (which is exactly the same procedure should there be issues at a home birth plus we live closer to the larger hospital!).
Whilst we’re now the parents to four awesome children I’m certainly no expert in childbirth and the pros and cons of home vs hospital births however I know I prefer the calmness and comfort of our own home.
When I consider the reaction I had to Nia firstbringing up a home birth it makes me reflect on the questions I get asked when I first suggest Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to a family. I’m usually greeted with:
- Won’t it stop my child talking?
- How would a picture help my talk speak?
- My friend’s son used it and he still doesn’t talk.
- My nephew used it and it didn’t work for him.
Now, just as with home birthing, when we consider communication systems for children we have to think about a whole host of things and the decision making needs to reflect not only the evidence base for a particular child’s ‘profile’ but the family’s wishes.
More on this to come but for now I’m going to take some time to enjoy cuddles with this one ? (don’t mind the bread stick in my mouth ? you’ve got to catch calories where you can in the early days!!).