I hate mud. I hate mess. I like to keep my car clean. I don’t like washing my jeans or my coat. If there’s mud on my hands I like to use alcohol sanitiser immediately.
As a result of the above my favourite place to take the kids is an agonisingly-loud-but-at-least-mud-free Play Centre. Don’t get me wrong Play Centres are hell but afterwards I don’t need to fill the washer; carry a bog-ridden dog up to the bath; wash said dog and then clean said bath. My kids don’t seem to mind Play Centres either however what I was reminded of today was how much they LOVE being outdoors.
We went for a jaunt around our local greenery with the dog earlier and whilst I experienced ALL of the above Izzy; Tom and Osian had the best of times chasing each other in the mud; collecting “magic beans” and sticks; saying “hi” and “see you later” to everyone he met (Osian); climbing trees and running constantly and they absolutely love it.
Yes I was freaked out by the mud, and feel like I’ve disinfected half of South Wales since getting home, but getting out of my comfort zone (even when Osian lost a shoe whilst walking through a bog and then needed carrying) reminded me that to get the most out of the little ones I work with I need to keep thinking outside of the box and not be complacent. Just because they like A, B or C in therapy it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try out some X, Y or Zs to see how they react ?.
Kids love mud. Kids love mess. Kids don’t care if their room (or daddy’s car) is clean. They often don’t care if their clothes are covered in mud and if there’s mud on their hands, well, there’s mud on their hands!