by chris | Jan 8, 2020 | South Wales Speech Therapy
Okay so I’m very good at giving practical, evidence driven, advice to the families that I work with and I’m a child development information fiend HOWEVER and I must admit that I don’t always practise what I preach. It’s easy as parents in a social media rife era to...
by chris | Jan 5, 2020 | South Wales Speech Therapy
I’ve been asked by a parent to briefly cover this topic and so here goes… When we think about Speech, Language and Communication (SLC) unless you’ve been asked to attend parent / career training by your local SLT team then the terminology us clinicians take for...
by chris | Jan 2, 2020 | South Wales Speech Therapy
Following on from my previous blog on this topic I’ll now briefly discuss one of the assessment tools I use and why. When assessing a child, no matter what the diagnosis, I personally feel that it is helpful to be able to compare them with their typically developing...
by chris | Dec 30, 2019 | South Wales Speech Therapy
December 2018 marked the 12 month anniversary of me selling my company and was the beginning of my 2 months sick leave (my first ever episode of sickness in my whole career). It’s safe to say that 12 months ago tomorrow I was at an all time low and knew that A LOT had...
by chris | Dec 28, 2019 | South Wales Speech Therapy
Having spent almost a decade with my previous company my name and “the brand” are pretty much synonymous. I get a lot of questions from people I meet as to who now work for / with and why this changed this year so here goes with the simplest explanation… In...