Lockdown has been a massive pain in the backside and I could write for hours about what the negatives are. Instead I’m going to reframe and invite you all to do the same:
- Instead of being on the road for 25-30 hours a week it takes me 2 mins to walk to my office.
- I’ve worked out several changes to ensure I can work more from home post-lockdown.
- As a result of reducing my commute by 99.99% I get to spend those lost hours with my family.
- I’ve reconnected with online / tele-therapy and I’m back to loving it!
- I’m seeing the highs (and lows!) of my children’s development and I’m more present.
- I’ve treated myself to some continued professional development in the form of tons of socialthinking.com and IPSEA online training.
- I’ve sharpened by processes so that when we return to the new ‘normal’ I’ve managed to cut my admin down further.
- I’ve teamed up with a good friend of mine and developed a totally new service called SpeechGuardians which we believe will further revolutionise how families, especially those in need, access tailored Speech & Language Therapy support.
- I’ve created a lot more totally unique resources for the families I work with.
Now it’s your turn! How can you reframe your experience of lockdown?